Waverly Community VBS will be diving into friendhip with God with SCUBA this summer! The dates are June 17-20, 2024 from 6-8pm at Life Church in Waverly. Registration will open for students (entering grades K-5) and volunteers on May 1.
VBS 2023 will be June 26-29 at Life Church!

Waverly Community VBS will be hosting STELLAR VBS on June 26-29 from 6-8pm at Life Church. Registration for kids entering K-5 will open April 9. We’re excited to see you there!
Save the Date!

Waverly Community VBS will be hosting Monumental: Celebrating God’s Goodness on July 18-21 from 6-8pm at Life Church. Registration for kids entering K-5 will open June 1. Can’t wait to see you there!